Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Virtual environments and social justice

Jonathan Cabiria talks about relationships in virtual environments and social justice. He explores how platforms such as Second Life can be a recommended activity for marginalized people, especially if they suffer from issues such as loneliness, depression, isolation, pessimism and/or low self-esteem.

more about "Virtual environments and social justice", posted with vodpod

1 comment:

chandra said...

Classicism and social class issues are a big part of social justice advocacy. I have some issues with the focus on materialism and status in SL. While many would be reluctant to admit it I've observed it directly in relation to the way people talk about their avatars and other people's avatars. About "stuff." It would be nice if SL weren't so tied up to materialism and stuff and more about play and creativity. I don't take issue with people making a living there - that's terrific. What I take issue with is simply turning SL into a giant shopping mall.