Friday, February 27, 2009

Philip Rosedale on the future of the web and virtual worlds

How the technology of virtual worlds will evolve.

To what extent will virtual worlds become even more emmersive than the real world environment.

The future of the user interface in virtual worlds - Will kinetic suits ever become a reality.

Will 3D mice rule the web?

How will virtual worlds integrate with social networks in the future?

Second Life technology will bring people together and transform the ways people communicate in small niche interest groups.

Learn how virtual worlds will create a global environment online that breaks down current language difficulties for seamless global communication.

Why online community environments will be around areas of affinity in the future.

Where does web 3D fit in the evolution of web communities?

Understand why Second Life is not a social network per se.

more about "Philip Rosedale on the future of the ...", posted with vodpod

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